The No.1. in Germany

therapie LEIPZIG is the largest platform for therapy, medical rehabilitation and prevention in German-speaking countries. Be there and present your products and services in an attractive environment.
Exhibition categories
- Devices for physiotherapy and physical therapy
- Rehabilitation devices, facilities and aids
- Therapy equipment for fitness and training
- Devices and equipment for occupational therapy and speech therapy
- Equipment for podiatry
- Commodities and consumer goods, health products
- Wellness concepts and products
- Complementary therapy
- Equipment and facilities
- Digital organization and administration
- Therapy software and apps
- Education, continuing and advanced training
- Publishing houses and specialist literature
- Consultation and services
Visitor target groups
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational therapists
- Medical specialists and clinic management
- Speech therapists
- Massage therapists and hydrotherapists
- Sports therapists and scientists
- Trainers and exercise instructors for rehabilitation and health sports
- Fitness and sports trainers
- Podiatrists
Invest in a growing market and in your company‘s future in Germany
In Germany, the provision of medical treatments for the rehabilitation is regulated by law as part of the healthcare system. This means that health insurances are obliged to include all therapeutic treatments in their catalog of services (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy).
Medical rehabilitation is provided by the following facilities:
Rehabilitation clinics
There are a total of 1,089 clinics for preventive and rehabilitation medicine in Germany. Of these, 54 % are private run, 27 % are non-profit and 19 % are public run.¹
Outpatient rehabilitation facilities
The number of outpatient rehabilitation facilities (day centers) has increased significantly in recent years. There are currently around 746 facilities offering intensive therapy close to home.²
Therapeutic centres
There are around 70,332 licensed therapeutic practices in the area of medical care providers that provide treatment for patients with health impairments as prescribed by doctors.
Of these:
- 42,695 licensed physiotherapist practices
- 10,522 licensed occupational therapist practices
- 10,763 licensed practices of voice, speech, language and swallowing therapists³
Sales of therapeutic treatments in Germany amounted to around EUR 11.1 billion at the end of 2022. 4
1 German Federal Office of Statistics – 2022
² 4QD – Qualitä GmbH – 2024
³ ARGEn der Heilmittelzulassung – 2023
4 GKV-Heilmittel-Schnellinformation für Deutschland – 2022
Source: Exhibitor and visitor survey for therapie LEIPZIG 2023 by Gelszus Messe-Marketforschung