27/02/2025 therapie LEIPZIG

therapie LEIPZIG 2025: a new platform for promoting health

How can we sustainably promote the health of people in Germany? therapie LEIPZIG 2025 (8-10 May) provides the answers and presents a new platform for preventive healthcare and rehabilitation sports with the Health Campus. The health campus brings together players from the fields of therapy, medical rehabilitation, health sports as well as occupational health management. Integrated into the trade fair, it offers a unique mix of exhibition, active courses and a themed stage with specialist presentations and political discussions.

The Health Campus brings together players on the health market in Germany, inspiring and motivating them to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. It shows physiotherapists and occupational therapists as well as fitness providers concrete ways to expand their services in the direction of preventive healthcare and health sports. At the same time, it encourages companies to actively promote the health of their employees and offers practical solutions for implementing preventive measures.

Over 40 active courses in the course tents in Hall 3 will provide valuable ideas for the daily work of therapists and trainers. The programme includes fall prevention, pelvic floor training, mindfulness in rehabilitation sports and neuroathletics. The exhibition area is dedicated to modern solutions for promoting movement, training, ergonomic working environments and preventive measures. One highlight: the neuroathletics test track, which allows visitors to experience the interplay between the brain, nervous system and movement. Specialist presentations, examples of best practice and discussion rounds are on the programme every day on the themed stage.

Two panel discussions on key issues for the future

How can the need for care be avoided through prevention? This urgent social issue is the focus of the discussion round on 8 May with representatives from politics, science and healthcare. The focus is on the role of exercise as a preventive measure – and its potential in comparison to drug-based approaches.

On 9 May the focus will be on the future of rehabilitation sport. Discussions will include the growing shortage of exercise instructors, the standardisation of pay, digitalisation through remote medicine services and the question of which indication groups need to be given greater consideration in future.

Company health management day (9 May 2025)

Under the slogan “The BEST that BGM has to offer: healthy companies – healthy employees!”, everything at the Health Campus on 9 May will revolve around innovative strategies for occupational health promotion and ergonomic working environments. Lecture topics include stress management, self-organisation, work in motion and new work. The programme is aimed at therapists and trainers in occupational health management as well as HR and OHM managers in all sectors.

1st German Rehabilitation Sports Congress

The Health Campus will be accompanied by the 1st German Rehabilitation Sports Congress – an advanced training event for trainers, coaches, rehabilitation sports clubs managers and studio operators. Topics include independence in rehabilitation sports, training for people with learning difficulties, motivation and communication in sport and the use of artificial intelligence in the organisation. The focus is also on economic aspects such as billing processes.

The programme of the Health Campus and the 1st German Rehabilitation Sports Congress was developed in close cooperation with renowned professional associations and institutions, including:

  • Deutscher Behindertensportverband e.V.
  • Rehasport Deutschland e.V. Bundesverband Rehabilitationssport
  • TeamRehasport - Gesundheitszentrum Servicezentrale GmbH
  • RehaVitalisPlus e.V.
  • Gesundheitssportverein Leipzig e.V.
  • Reha-Sport-Bildung e.V.
  • Bildungswerk des Landessportbundes Sachsen e.V.

About therapie LEIPZIG
As the largest trade fair and congress for therapy, medical rehabilitation and preventive healthcare in Germany, therapie LEIPZIG offers a complete overview of the market. At therapie LEIPZIG 2023, 352 exhibitors from 14 countries presented their innovations and current industry trends to 16,300 trade fair visitors at the Leipziger Messe. The congress was used by physiotherapists and occupational therapists, speech therapists, trainers, doctors, sports scientists and sports therapists as well as managers from outpatient rehabilitation centres, acute and rehabilitation clinics from all over Germany for professional training and further education. The next therapie LEIPZIG will take place from 8 to 10 May 2025 at Leipziger Messe.


Tirza Berger
Press Spokesperson
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