08. bis 10. Mai 2025 therapie LEIPZIG

Prof.Dr. Ulrich Laufs

Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Kardiologie

Universitätsklinikum Leipzig


CV - Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Laufs

Ulrich Laufs is Professor and Chief of Cardiology at Leipzig University Hospital. After completing his training at the Universities of Bochum and Hamburg, he was resident at the University of Cologne and spent two years as post-doctoral researcher at Harvard University in Boston. Before moving to Leipzig in 2017, he was Professor for Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Vice-chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Medicine at the University of Saarland in Homburg.


Professor Laufs heads a research group focused on cellular and molecular mechanisms, and clinical studies of cardiovascular prevention with a special interest in lipid disorders. Additional research interests of the department include heart failure and cardiomyopathies, cardiac imaging, interventional cardiology and atrial fibrillation. He has > 550 publications listed medline that have been cited >38,000 times (H-index 90).


Laufs serves in the board of the German Society of Cardiology and the D•A•CH-Gesellschaft Herz-Kreislauf-Prävention, the federal drug commission of German Pharmacists and in several editorial boards of cardiovascular journals. His honors include the Population Sciences Award of the European Society of Cardiology, the Paul Martini Award, and the Albert Fraenkel Award of the German Cardiac Society.


Universitätsklinikum Leipzig


15:00 - 18:00 Uhr FR. 09. MAI
Mitteldeutscher Sportmedizintag 2025 (S-132)

Ausrichter: Sächsischer Sportärztebund e.V.

Zutritt nur mit Kongressticket. Fortbildungspunkte werden bei der Sächsischen Landesärztekammer beantragt. 3 Fortbildungspunkte für Therapeuten.

Tagungsbereich Messehaus - M22